heavy metal detox for kids, like mercury and lead, are everywhere in our environment. They are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and in many foods. While most metals are good for us in small amounts, too much can be dangerous. A heavy metal detox is one way to remove these harmful metals from the body. It is important to note that any chelation treatment should be done under medical supervision and not attempted at home.
The heavy metal detox diet focuses on eating a variety of foods that can help naturally remove metal toxins from the body. Certain foods, like cilantro, chlorella, and fulvic acid, act as natural chelators and can bind with heavy metals and transport them out of the body. Other dietary changes, such as avoiding processed foods and consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables can also reduce heavy metal exposure.
Common Sources of Heavy Metal Exposure in Children
If your child has a chronic health condition or is showing signs of metal toxicity, it may be worth considering a heavy metal detox. A doctor can test blood, urine, and hair to determine the level of metals in the body. The most common treatment involves medications that bind with the toxic metals and move them out of the body. This is called chelation therapy and requires special training to do correctly.
Various supplements can help support the detoxification process. One such supplement is Paratrex, which contains a combination of probiotics, herbs, and minerals that work together to bind with heavy metals, increase nutrient absorption, and improve digestion.