You might be wondering if boric acid helps with odor. While the answer is a definite yes, you must be careful. Boric acid can be toxic if swallowed, so it is best to consult a health professional before taking it.
Does boric acid help with odor is a natural substance, derived from boron. It has mild antifungal and antiseptic properties. However, its use is limited.
Boric acid is used in the treatment of vaginal yeast infections. This is because it is an astringent that suppresses the symptoms of infection.
Another reason boric acid can be effective in treating bacterial vaginosis is that it restores the pH of the vagina. Vaginal odors occur due to an imbalance in the pH of the vagina, which allows bacteria to multiply. By restoring the vagina’s pH, boric acid can prevent the growth of Gardnerella and other dangerous organisms.
The Centers for Disease Control has recommended boric acid as a means of managing BV. However, more studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness.
Boric Acid Suppositories vs Antifungal Creams: Which is Right for You
Using boric acid as a vaginal suppository is a relatively inexpensive and natural way to treat bacterial vaginosis. One capsule inserted vaginally once a day for six consecutive days will generally cure the infection.
Aside from preventing recurring BV, using boric acid vaginally can also help prevent urinary tract infections caused by sex. It can also help fight the fishy smell of the infection.
Some women who are experiencing a change in their normal scent can take over-the-counter moisturizers to help ease the symptoms. Prescription vaginal estrogen can be helpful as well.